Thursday, June 27, 2013


IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW...i have not blogged in a while and i have a grand total of 169 page veiws as of the time i am writeing this. one of my main interests in archery. At outdoor Lab i was interested in archery before that and had a fun time. Now I am in a archery class and have my first joad (jr olimpic archery division) and it just proves, IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW... You can put your mind to anything and just do it.

the re curve bow

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW... this blog does not have a cool acronym.  if we did it would be ICUDNK. ummmm..... LAME!!!!! Please help me with a catch phrase or logo to make up for the acronym that IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW... was very lame. please comment with ideas. thanks for reading.

Now back on topic, Mojang also created my Fave game Minecraft. Minecraft is a building game where everything is blocks and 8 bit design. the game creator is named Markus. he is known as Notch. a person called Jeb took over the creative stuff so Notch could make new stuff. now friends IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW... i have a bad time ending posts. Please comment. Thanks for reading. More to come.

IN CASE u DID NOT KNOW... the photo above is the the logo for the best non-american gaming company in my opinion in the world. Mojang is Swedish for gadget.and in case u did not know i like to get off topic. now i am also a fan of stop motion. this is one of my faves. i do not own this or the rights to it. enjoy and see you after you watch the vid.
Hello friends,  IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW... this is my very first blog post on my very first blog on my very first computer (not really on the last one). i was inspired to do this blog by my friend who runs the blog "Ask My Parents" and she was inspired by her grandmother. in this blog i plan to post random things that will get you thinking. (either :"wow this kid is pretty cool" or " holy cow is she physio". i also will try to have more gaming related posts and hopefully a game of the week. but life as a turning 7th grader is unpredictable. i will try to post when i can for you soon to be bloggers,even if my fingers fall off at the bone. at the end or beginning of each post i will use in case you did not know like a # telling the main idea of the post and such and such. so in conclusion we are going to have a fun time here. please comment on what else you would like to see from me.(remember i am only human. kinda.) thank you for reading.